McKenna Reitz

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McKenna Reitz is a TEDx speaker who empowers men and women to reframe life’s challenges into gifts and opportunities so they can pursue their purpose with clarity and confidence. After losing all her hair due to Alopecia, McKenna uses her journey of having this autoimmune disease to help others overcome the loss in their life by resetting the mindset of their “loss” into growth and opportunities in their lives. Teaching AP Psychology and coaching varsity volleyball for the past 16 years, McKenna resides in Toledo, OH with her husband Greg, and two beautiful daughters Karsen (9) and Maddox (6). McKenna has been featured in Woman's Day, U.S. News & World Report, Good Housekeeping, VeryWellFamily, MindBodyGreen, Global Woman Magazine, Thrive Global, Healthy Women, Medium, Love What Matters, and featured on Good Morning Washington, theList, ABC, CBS, NBC, Ticker News, and Cheddar TV.