Transformation Coach Mindfulness Instructor
I have been working in big multinationals (P&G, Coca-Cola, Amazon) for 15 years. Almost 8 years ago, I started to manifest injuries and pain on my physical body (neck, meniscuses, back pain, acne skin and thyroids).
I was so stuck in my picture perfect life and had no meaning or purpose in my life, even though I had a nice job, a nice marriage and a nice home.
I searched for solutions with modern medicine and therapies but nothing could help my inner pain. I was going to a psychologist and was skeptical about the healing world. I started my journey with Reiki, it was nice however the changes were slow, I was going back to the same issues around unworthiness and failure. I was obsessed with self-healing and studied three main religions, read more than 100 healing related books! I practiced Shamanism, breathwork, kundalini, EFT and more… Something was always missing…
My path changed in 2017, when I moved to Luxembourg! I left my nice job, marriage, friends, and teachers, everything behind… I came to this country for another corporate job, but the path led me to work with my first client. One of my friend’s son had a brain surgery on a tumor and she asked me if I could go to hospital for healing. It looked like I was his healer, in reality he was mine. As Rumi said “What you seek is seeking you”.
From there the demand exploded, I started to work with clients from various backgrounds, various religions… Meanwhile, I became a certified coach and started to combine all healing modalities and energy work during sessions.
My path shifted in late 2019 one more time, I started to become a clear channel… I was hearing them, they were telling me the root cause, memories, without even asking. The energies were so intense, I left my job and traveled around the world for months and learned how to channel and how to combine it all into a practice.
Now I have been serving clients from all around the world through transformational energy work. I am not healing anyone, not sending energies to make you feel better for a short period of time… we are walking along this transformational path together to initiate profound changes in your inner world. Once the transformation of your life takes place, it starts internally, and eventually externally.