Dr Gabby Pelicci

Dr Gabby Pelicci Profile Photo

Professor, Coach and Author

Gabrielle Pelicci, Ph.D. “Dr. Gabby” is a professor and coach, guiding individuals and groups towards wholeness using writing as medicine. She completed her doctoral work in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies with a dissertation on women healers - and studied plant medicine with indigenous healers in New Mexico and Guatemala. She has been a University Professor of Integrative and Holistic Medicine since 2007 and a regular presenter at global conferences. She was named one of the Top 100 Women of the Future in 2022 for her work in emerging technologies. During her 20+ year career, Dr. Gabby has taught hundreds of students and clients proven strategies for positive change in life and work. She specialises in creating wellbeing at the intersection of Integrative Health, Spirituality and Storytelling. All This Healing is Killing Me, available on Amazon, is her first book.

April 18, 2023

All this healing is killing me. Dr. Gabby Pelicci's story.

In this episode, Dr. Gabby Pelicci shares her personal journey of healing and discusses her new book, "All This Healing Is Killing Me." She shares how you are only as sick as your secrets and telling your story is the …

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