Andray Sumeer (The Super Hero Of Love)

Andray Sumeer (The Super Hero Of Love) Profile Photo

Super Hero

Hi, my name is Andray aka The Super Hero Of Love and for 20+ years of my life, I hated my life and my existence. I also really hated all of the planet and wanted to destroy everything and everyone in my mind.

I had no concept of Love and just wanted to die because I had no purpose, goals, dreams, or aspirations.

Having gone through a spiritual awakening, allowed me to see a whole new world and make better choices, decisions and relearn life for the first time.

Now I am on a mission to spread Love, heal the planet through my actions of love and unite the planet so that future generations don't grow up with hate in their hearts!

*You can give them my linktree as it connects them to all of social media and webpage!

Aug. 30, 2022

Choosing love over hate. Andray Sumeer's (The Super Hero Of Love) sto…

Andray Summer is The Super Hero Of Love and for 20+ years of he life, he hated his life and his existence. He was living in hate and in darkness. He had no concept of Love and just wanted to …

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